Saturday 7 June 2008

Denise wants details of ex�s wedding?

Denise Richards might say she�s over her ex-husband Charlie Sheen, but she seems pretty eager for details about his wedding, which took place May 30 in Los Angeles, MSN?Entertainment�s The Scoop reports.

A source who knows Richards reports she personally phoned the OK! magazine offices in New York in an attempt to track down an advance copy of this week�s issue, which features Sheen�s wedding on the cover.

�She was feverishly trying to get her hands on a copy. She wanted to prepare herself for what she was going to see on the newsstands,� said the source.

Richards did photo shoots with OK! both during and after her marriage to Sheen, and that is partially why she felt comfortable making the call.

�She feels like she knows them and can ask a favour, I guess,� said the source.

Did OK! acquiesce?

�We�re still printing,� was all a representative for the magazine had to say when asked about Richards� alleged request.

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